Murrumbeena Relay For Life – Cancer Council Victoria

Celebrating 20 Years!

We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join us in supporting Cancer Council’s Relay For Life.  We celebrate 20 years of Relay For Life in Australia this year, so it’s a great time to jump on board.  Since its inception in 1999, the Murrumbeena Relay For Life has raised over $1,758,000 to help provide much needed support to the 742 locals diagnosed with cancer in the City of Glen Eira each year, and it leads over 200 local communities across Australia in the fight against cancer..

Murrumbeena Relay for Life is an overnight community experience, which will see teams of locals take turns to walk to raise funds for Cancer Council Victoria. Relay For Life is open to all ages, and features live entertainment, activities, and special ceremonies to honour people’s experiences with cancer.

We would like to invite you to support the Murrumbeena Relay for Life being held at Duncan MacKinnon Athletics Track over the weekend of 20-21 October 2018.

Murrumbeena 3163 VIC AU
Get directions
Saturday 20 October 12pm - Sunday 21 October 12pm